IAPMO India Lab Testing Facility provide testing services for the following
Drinking Water /Packaged Drinking water
Physico chemical, inorganics, Heavy metals1, Pesticides2, TDS, health hazardous chemical contaminants like and other various hazardous constituents like chlorination byproducts (THMs)3, PCBs4, PAHs5, anionic surface-active agents as MBAs, phenolic compounds as C6H5OH5 etc, Mineral Oil.
Physico chemical parameters Colour, odour, taste, pH, Turbidity, Total Dissolve solids, Chloramine, Residual free chlorine, Alkalinity as CaCO3, Hardness as CaCO3, Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride, Fluoride, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonical Nitrogen, Boron, Iron, Cyanide, Sulphate, Sulphide, and bromate |
1 Heavy metals: Arsenic, Barium, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Selenium, Silver, Zinc, Antimony |
2 Pesticides: Atrazine, Alachlor, Aldrine & Dieldrine, Alpha H CH, Beta HCH, Lindane, Delta HCH, Butachlor, Chlorpyriophos, 2,4 D, DDT, op, pp, DDE op,pp, DDD op, pp, Endosulphan, Alpha, Beta and SO4. Ethion, Isoproturon, Malathion, Methyl Parathion, Monochrotophos, Phorate, |
3 THMs Bromoform, Dibromochloromethane, Bromodichloromethane, Chloroform |
4 PCBs – Refer Annexure-1 |
5 PAHs – Refer Annexure-1 |
6 Volatile & Semi Volatile organic compounds |
7Nitrosamines |
Microbiological parameters Total Coliforms, Fecal Coliforms, E.Coli, Fecal streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus, Sulphite-reducing anaerobes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Total bacterial count, Aerobic microbial count at 20-220C and at 370C, Yeast and mould, Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Legionella |
See annexure-2 for details of testing and methods
Physico chemical:
Colour, odour, pH,Turbidity, Total Dissolve solids, Residual Free chlorine, BOD of 3 days at 270C / 5 day at 200C, Total nitrogen, Nitrate, Ammonical Nitrogen and Kjeldahl Nitrogen (subcontracted), conductivity, MLSS, MLVSS and various metals and Pesticides etc.
Total Coliforms, Fecal Coliforms, E.Coli
Swimming Pool Water
Physico chemical:
Colour, odour, pH, Turbidity, Total Dissolve solids, Residual Free chlorine, Total Alkalinity, Aluminium, Heavy metals as Lead, Iron,
Oxygen absorbed in 4 hr at 27 0C, Chloride,
Total Coliforms, Standard plate count
FOOD Microbiology
Total Coliforms, E.Coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Yeast & Mold in cooked foods,
Presence or absence of soda content in cooked rice
Performance evaluation of water purifiers — chemical & microbiological reduction tests
As per following standards
Product evaluation as per Indian standards
IS14724:1999 (RA 2009) Ultraviolet-Based Water Purifiers —Specification
IS16240:2015 Reverse Osmosis-Based Point-of-Use Water Treatment systems — Specification
WQIA Protocol: IP 100 Guide Standard and Protocol for Microbiological Evaluation of Drinking Water Treatment Devices
IAPMO I WPSC-01:2019 Evaluation of point of use water purification systems – specification
Product evaluation as per International standards: NSF/ANSI standards
NSF/ANSI 42 Drinking Water Treatment Units — Aesthetic Effects
Chlorine reduction
Chloramine reduction
Bacteriostatic tests
NSF/ANSI 53 Drinking Water Treatment Units — Health Effects
Lead reduction at pH 6.5 and 8.5
Arsenic III and V reduction tests at pH 6.5 and 8.5
Reduction tests of various other metals namely mercury, chromium, cadmium, copper, selenium, etc.at pH 6.5 and 8.5
Turbidity reduction
VOC reduction by surrogate chemical – Chloroform
Atrazine reduction
Lindane reduction
Fluoride reduction
Nitrate/Nitrite reduction
Cyst reduction by 3 micron microsphere
NSF/ANSI 55 Ultraviolet Microbiological Water Treatment Systems
Microbiological performance
NSF/ANSI 58 Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Treatment Systems
TDS reduction
Metal reduction
Cyst reduction
Material Safety as per section 4.0 of NSF/ANSI 42,53,55,58
NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 2020 Drinking water systems components – Health effects
For all the above standards, structural integrity and cyclic tests are also conducted.
WQA S -200 Voluntary Industry Standard for Residential & Commercial Water Filters
Similar to NSF/ANSI 42 (Material extraction is exempted)
WQA S -300 Voluntary Industry Standard for Point-Of-Use Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Systems
Similar to NSF/ANSI 58 (Material extraction is exempted)
NSF protocol P231 Microbiological Water Purifiers
WHO: Evaluating Household Water Treatment Options: Health-Based Targets and Microbiological Performance Specifications: 2011
US EPA Guide Standard and Protocol for Testing Microbiological Water Purifiers 1985
Microbiological performance with Klebsiella, MS2 phage and 3 micron microspheres.