• Global migration of plastics
    IS:9845 1998 Determination of Overall migration of constituents of plastics materials and articles intended to come in contact with Food stuffs.


  • Quality Characteristics of Granular activated carbon


Test Method

Moisture% weight

IS:877/ 1989(Reaffirmed 1999) Activated Carbons, powdered and Granular-Methods of sampling and test

pH of water extract

Ash% by weight


Granular size

Silver %

Laboratory validated method by Na2S2O3 extraction and analysis by AAS

Copper %

Arsenic %

Nickel %


Iodine number mg/gr

ASTM D 4607 – 94
(Re approved 1999)

BET surface area m2/gr



  • Metal leachates in activated carbon / other treatment media
    Simulation studies of Metal leachates from the treatment media. Exposure and extraction method: NSF/ANSI 42 protocol
  • Metal leachates from Metallic components(come in contact with water)
    Customized method
  • Metal leachates from brass and copper components
    IS 4985: 2000 Unplasticized PVC pipes (come in contact with water) for potable water supplies specification
  • Material extraction tests of full products and components of water purifiers
    Customized method of exposure and extraction by NSF/ANSI42 protocol and to determine the quality characteristics of extracted water in compliance with IS10500:2012 Drinking Water Specification.

  • Autopsy of RO membranes
    Determining the composition of the scale of fouling by SEM&EDAX combination (subcontracted).

    Isolation of bio-fouling causing microorganisms
  • Quality characteristics of disinfection resins/ media
    % Iodine, %Bromine and % Chlorine
    Disinfection property: Volume of disinfection/ CC of media
  • Quality characteristics of various media 
    % P2O5, % Solubility in Sodium Hex Metaphosphate
    % Purity of Calcite
    % Purity of Magnesium
    % Purity of citric acid
    % Available chlorine in TCA and other Chlorinated media
  • TCLP (Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure) tests for spent media
    USEAP method

  • Quality characteristics of detergents and sanitizers
    Active ingredient (standard published method)
    Determination of Disinfection property (customized method)
    Quality characteristics by IS methods

  • Poresize estimation and % porosity of flat sheets of porous material
    Capillary Porometer method

  • Pore size determination of filter cartridges with 1,5,10 and 20 micron microspheres
    Customised method

  • Easy Test Kits supply
    Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L (Titrimetric method)
    Chloride as Cl mg/L (Titrimetric method)
    Total Iron (colour comparator method)
    Total Available Chlorine (colour comparator method)
    Residual Free available Chlorine (colour comparator method)
    Nitrate as NO3 (colour comparator method)
    TDS meters (hand-held)
    pH meters (hand-held)
    Consolidated Test Kit (TDS, pH, Total Hardness, Total Iron and Total Chlorine)